Shopify Collections SEO Blueprint
If you manage a Shopify business, you are aware of how important effective SEO is for increasing Shopify conversion rate, sales and attracting organic traffic. Additionally, optimizing your Shopify collections is a crucial aspect of SEO.
Today, we’ll share the exact step-by-step process that we use internally at GoldenWeb to optimize our client’s collection pages, and improve their rankings.
How To Optimize Your Shopify Collections SEO

When making your collections SEO-friendly, bear in mind the following points…
1. Keyword Research
This is the single most important step when it comes to SEO, yet more than 90% of Shopify stores do this completely wrong, which ends up costing them tons in lost potential revenue.
Here’s where most Shopify brands go wrong…
Instead of creating their collections according to keyword research, they simply create collections based on the way they categorize these products internally at their company.
While this can work, I can assure you that you will miss out on tons of potential traffic and revenue, by skipping hundreds of potential keywords you could target and show up for, if you only did keyword research and checked what people are actually typing into Google.
Thus, instead of blindly creating collections, or just copying your competitors, I propose the following.
- Get yourself a keyword research tool, and enter your root keyword - let’s say “running shoes” for example…
- Filter so that you can see all the keywords in the database that contain both “running” and “shoes”.
- You should be presented with thousands of keywords, which you should export and filter through. Your goal is to remove every keyword that’s irrelevant/you cannot create a collection for.
- After you filtered the list, group/cluster the keywords together so that you have the main keyword and keyword variations in the same group.
- One group of keywords represents one collection that needs to be created.

2. Creating the Collections & Optimizing Their URLs
After you’ve clustered and grouped all your keywords together, it’s time to actually create all of these collections.
Pro-tip: Don’t forget to use your main target keyword as the URL slug of the collection.
If you’re targeting “mens running shoes”, the slug should be:”
3. Optimize Meta Titles & H1s with Your Target Keyword
Just like in the previous step when we optimized the URL slug of the collection, we need to do the same by optimizing the meta titles and H1 tags by adding our target keyword in there.
When it comes to your meta title, you should try and add the target keyword, all the way at the start of the meta title.
In regards to the H1s, you can add the target keyword anywhere, as long as it’s included.
4. Add a 200-300 Word Description to Every Collection

Another thing that we like to do is add about 200-300 words to the collection describing the products or product variants inside the collection. Keeping these in mind, we also consinder Shopify product tags added to products in the back-end of Shopify to improve the categorization of inventories and products.
Usually, we only display the first sentence of the description, and hide the rest of the content, behind a read more tab.
The main point of adding 200-300 words is solely for the SEO benefit so that our Sopify experts have more of our target keywords sprinkled in there.
5. Enable Review Stars Under Products Inside Collections
By displaying review stars under products inside the collections, you’ll be able to generate a lot more click-throughs from the collection page itself to the product page, which is where the buying process actually takes place.
Not to mention that if someone clicks to the product page, from the collection page - it’s essentially a direct signal to Google that the collection page served its purpose.
6. Actively Innerlink from Relevant Blogs and Pages
Whenever you’re creating new content in the form of a page or blog post, and you happen to mention a specific collection, that you have on your page, don’t forget to link to it.
Even more importantly, don’t forget to link to it using one of your target keywords & keyword variations as the anchor of the link.

What to do After Optimizing your Shopify Collections SEO?
After you’ve optimized the homepage and your collection pages, the next best step is to optimize all of your product pages.
Another suggestion would be to consider running a full SEO audit, which would allow you to optimize the on-page, off-page, and technical Shopify SEO aspects of your store, to make sure everything’s set up in a way that maximizes your chances of SEO success.
Click here to request a free mini SEO audit for your store, to see if you qualify for the full SEO audit.
"GoldenWeb’s work has been amazing for us.
We already had a decent base with content and structure, but their work has positioned us to continue to make gains in very competitive areas."
"Benjamin and his team have been great to work with, have proven themselves with a ton of results.
Benjamin goes out of his way to provide value in all areas of the business as he's an operator himself."