
Shopify Technical SEO Issues

There’s no point in having a beautifully designed Shopify store if it isn't visible to your target audience. 

Your online store's purpose is to attract visitors and convert them into customers or leads. If your website isn’t ranking on Google and other search engines, then there are some underlying Shopify technical SEO issues that need to be fixed.

Technical SEO aims to make your site as easy as possible for search engine crawlers to understand, crawl, and index your site properly. 

Unlike basic SEO, which is more content-focused, technical SEO focuses on optimizing your website’s architecture, code, and structure. In this post, we will discusses some of the most common Shopify technical SEO issues and why you should consider working with GoldenWeb as the ultimate Shopify SEO expert to fix them.

Unoptimized Page Speed

Page speed is a direct ranking factor for Google. A slow-loading website will not only frustrate your visitors but also lead to a higher bounce rate, negatively impacting your ranking in SERPs.

shopify technical seo issues

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a slow-loading website such as large image sizes, poor server response time, excessive use of plugins, and more.

Unoptimized page speed not only affects your conversions and organic rankings, but also your business' bottom line. This is because prospects may perceive your brand as being 'slow' or 'unreliable'.

Some of the steps you should take to improve page speed include:

Minifying CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), HTML (HyperText Markup Language), and JavaScript are the three main coding languages used to develop a website.

These files can often be excessively long and contain a lot of unnecessary characters such as whitespace, comments, and more. Minifying these files will help reduce their size without affecting their functionality.

Optimizing Images

Images are often the largest files on a webpage and can significantly impact page speed if they aren’t properly optimized. We can help you optimize your images by reducing their file size without compromising on quality.

Leveraging Browser Caching

Browser caching allows a website to store static files on a visitor's computer so that they don't have to be downloaded each time the visitor loads a page. This can help reduce page load times, especially for returning visitors.

Reducing Server Response Time

Server response time is the measure of time it takes for a web server to respond to a request from a browser. A slow server response time can be caused by a number of factors, such as poor hosting, excessive use of plugins, and more.

Delayed server responses are routinely shown to have a negative impact on user experience, being one of the most highly-ranked factors that cause people to leave a page early.

shopify technical issues seo

Fixing CDN-related Issues

CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a network of servers that are used to deliver content to visitors based on their location. CDNs can help improve website speed by delivering content from a server that is closer to the visitor's location.

Unoptimized Google Index

Google indexing is the process of Google discovering and adding your website's pages to its search results. When a page is indexed, it means that it can be found by anyone who does a search on Google.

One mistake that most Shopify owners make is indexing too many low-value/ thin content pages that aren’t relevant to their target keywords. 

This leads to what’s known as 'indexation bloat.' Indexation bloat is when too many low-quality pages are indexed in Google, which can result in those pages outranking your important pages.

This can be a big problem because it means that your most important pages aren’t being seen by your target audience.

At GoldenWeb, we fix this issue by conducting a comprehensive audit of your website's pages and identifying the ones that are causing indexation bloat. We then take the necessary steps to remove those pages from Google's search results.

Some of the steps we take to fix unoptimized Google indexing include:

  • Removing low-quality pages from the sitemap: The first step is to remove any low-quality pages from your website's sitemap. This prevents Google from indexing those pages in the first place.
  • Adding a no-index tag to low-quality pages: If there are some low-quality pages that you can't remove from your sitemap, then you can add a Shopify no-index tag to those pages. This tells Google not to index those pages.

Multiple H1 Tags

An H1 tag is an HTML tag used to indicate the most important heading on a webpage. This tag is important for both usability and SEO.

One of the biggest problems we find when doing an SEO audit is Shopify stores with multiple H1 tags on each page. This is a big issue because it confuses Google spiders and makes it difficult for them to determine which heading is the most important.

technical issues seo shopify

It can also be confusing for users, as they might not know which heading they should be paying attention to. This leads to a poor user experience, which can hurt your SEO.

At GoldenWeb, we can help you fix this issue by adding proper hierarchy to your headings. We also make sure that you only have one H1 tag per page.

Missing H1 Tags

Apart from having multiple H1 tags, another common issue we see is missing H1 tags. This is a big problem because it means that your pages aren’t properly structured and Google cannot understand what your page is about.

This can lead to your pages being ranked lower in the search results or even being completely excluded from the search results.

Remember, H1 tags are among the three most important on-page SEO factors. Google directly measures it to determine what a page is about. If you don't give Google the context it needs, it struggles to crawl and index your pages.

At GoldenWeb we can help you fix this issue by adding H1 tags to your pages where they are missing. We also make sure that your H1 tags are properly structured and optimized with your target keywords. This not only helps Google understand your pages better, but it also helps you rank higher in the search results.

Irrelevant Do-follow External Domains

Do-follow external links are when a website links to another website and passes on link equity. This is also known as link juice. If you have too many of these, it can actually hurt your website's ranking.

When you add too many irrelevant do-follow external links (such as linking to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram), you are actually passing your domain power and authority to these sites. Therefore, instead of Google seeing your website as an authoritative site, they see these external sites as more relevant.

GoldenWeb can help fix this problem using an array of different techniques, including:

  • Adding a "no-follow" tag to external links: This tells Google not to follow the link and, as a result, not to pass on link equity.
  • Removing unnecessary external links: This reduces the number of do-follow links on your website.
  • Linking to high-quality websites: We ensure any necessary do-follow links are from high-quality websites relevant to your industry.

No PWA Applied

PWA (Progressive Web App) is an advanced technology that allows you to create a website that acts and feels like a native app.

Some of the benefits of PWA are:

  • Faster loading times: PWAs load faster than traditional websites because they are cached on the user's device.
  • Offline mode: PWAs can work offline or in low-connectivity areas.
  • Push notifications: PWAs can send push notifications to users, even when they are not actively using the app.
  • Improved conversions: Due to their app-like feel, PWAs can improve conversions and lead to higher engagement rates.

If you aren’t using PWA on your Shopify website, you’re missing out on these benefits. It's one of the quick-win opportunities GoldenWeb can implement to help improve your website's performance.

By ensuring all static elements that repeat across your site, such as scripts, logos, menus stylesheets, and images, aren’t downloaded each time a new page is loaded, we make your pages load faster.

shopify technical seo issues

Missing Product Schema

Product schema is a type of structured data that helps search engines understand the products on your website. It is used to display rich snippets in the search results, which can improve your click-through rate.

Some of the information that should be included in product schema are:

  • Product name
  • Product price
  • Product image
  • Product description
  • Customer reviews

If you aren’t using product schema, you’re missing out on an opportunity to improve your search engine visibility and click-through rate. This is because it makes your products stand out in the search results and gives users the information they need to make a buying decision.

We often implement product schema for our clients, by adding a piece of code to the Shopify robots.txt file that tells search engines what your products are and how they should be displayed in the search results.

If you're using a product reviews app, this process gets even easier. We like to use Okendo for collecting our product reviews and leveraging the reviews for higher click through rates with product schema, which Okendo offers as well.

Unoptimized Shopify URL Structure

Shopify uses collection-based product URLs by default. This means that your product URLs include the collection they are in, such as:


However, if you click this product within a collection, for instance, "non-stick pans", the URL changes to:


This isn’t ideal for SEO because it creates duplicate content and confusion for search engines. It also makes it difficult to link internally to products because the URL changes depending on the collection they’re in.

The good news is that this is an easy fix. 

At GoldenWeb, we like to analyze your website's URL structure and implements a 301 redirect so that all collection-based product URLs point to the correct URL. This ensures that there’s only one version of each product URL, which makes it easier for search engines to index your products and improves your SEO.

Broken Backlinks

A broken backlink is a link to a page that no longer exists. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  • The page has been deleted
  • The page has been moved to a new URL
  • The website is no longer live

Broken backlinks are bad for SEO because they:

  • Waste link equity: Link equity is the power that a link passes to a webpage. When a webpage has a lot of links pointing to it, it has more link equity and is more likely to rank higher in the search results. However, when a webpage has broken links, it wastes the link equity that could be passed to other pages on the website.
  • Create 404 errors: A 404 error (page not found) is an error message that is displayed when a user tries to access a webpage that does not exist. A website with many broken links can create a lot of 404 errors, which can be bad for the user experience. Consequently, this can lead to a higher bounce rate, which is the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page.

We like to re-capture lost link equity by implementing 301 redirects to the correct pages. This ensures that users are taken to the right page and that link equity is not wasted.

We also help you avoid 404 errors by monitoring your website for broken links and fixing them as soon as they are found. This helps improve the user experience on your website and prevents visitors from leaving due to frustration.

shopify technical issues that affect seo

Spammy Domains

The quality of the links pointing to your website is a major factor that search engines use to determine your website's ranking. This is because links are like votes, and the more high-quality votes (links) you have, the more popular your website is.

However, not all links can boost the authority and ranking of your website. In fact, some links can actually hurt your SEO. This is because some websites are considered to be spammy, which means they are filled with low-quality or irrelevant content. Search engines do not want to rank websites that link to these types of sites because it reflects poorly on the quality of the website.

At GoldenWeb, we like to disavow links from spammy domains. Disavowal is the process of telling Google to ignore certain links when determining your website's ranking. This helps to ensure that only high-quality links are counted, which can boost your ranking in the search results.

Partner With GoldenWeb Today!

These Technical issues are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to SEO. We undertake a comprehensive SEO audit encompassing over 285 potential growth opportunities to give you an accurate picture of your website's SEO health.

We then put together a personalized plan to help you improve your website's ranking and visibility in the search results. We have helped thousands of Shopify owners triple their organic revenue within short timelines, and we want to help you too.

To help clients understand our process, we offer a free mini SEO audit that will analyze these 10 technical SEO issues and much more. But we don't want you to take our word for it. Book your free mini audit now to see how we can help grow your Shopify business.

Deven Davis


"GoldenWeb’s work has been amazing for us.

We already had a decent base with content and structure, but their work has positioned us to continue to make gains in very competitive areas."

Alex Smith


"Benjamin and his team have been great to work with, have proven themselves with a ton of results.

Benjamin goes out of his way to provide value in all areas of the business as he's an operator himself."